Call for Post Conference Publications

1. Call for Papers: The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal, published by Bentham

Special Issue on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization

Nonlinear dynamics is a concern of high importance as the behavior of most real- world systems and their motions are nonlinear and evolve in time and/or space. This is true for various types of systems: engineered systems, natural systems, social life events and phenomena. Nonlinear dynamic systems may display a series of behaviors: regular or irregular, stable or unstable, periodic or multi-periodic, torus or chaotic behaviors, etc….
The modeling of nonlinear dynamic systems is an important issue. The related challenge lies in finding mathematical, physical or logical representation describing the dynamical behavior and thus providing insights in the functioning principles. This is generally achieved through simulations and/or experiments.
Synchronization can be understood as the result of the adjustment of a given property of the motion exhibited by coupled systems or subsystems (either equivalent or nonequivalent). This adjustment is generally achieved under some suitable values of the control parameters e.g. couplings or the external excitation. To date, various types of synchronization have been identified: complete synchronization (CS) or identical synchronization (IS), phase synchronization (PS), lag synchronization (LS), generalized synchronization (GS), and rhythm synchronization (RS). The use of each of these types of synchronization depends upon a specific field of interest. In traffic control for instance, the phase synchronization of different lights aids to optimize through-output while in the field of mechanics or electro-mechanics, the complete synchronization is exploited to make different sub-systems or coupled systems performing identical tasks. To date, the relevant literature has also intensively addressed the exploitation of chaotic synchronization in securing digital communications and in chaosbased cryptography as well.

For further information download the full call for papers.

Submission of papers: Papers submitted must not have been published previously or under consideration for publication, though they may represent significant extensions of prior work. All papers will be reviewed in accordance with the journal policy. Papers must conform to the standard IEEE paper formatting guidelines and sent to Kyandoghere Kyamakya in pdf format. For queries about this special issue, feel free to contact the special issue guest editors.

Important Dates

2. Call for Book Chapters: Studies in Computational Intelligence

Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization (NDS-1) – Theory and Applications, published by Springer Germany

This book is calling for contributions covering amongst others the development of methods (algorithms/tools) for the modeling, analysis and design approaches to explain, predict, and respectively control synchronization phenomena and coherent behavior in real nonlinear dynamical systems. These may be engineering systems, social or economical systems, or even biological systems. Examples of engineering systems are: robots, devices for power electronics, vehicles dynamics and their control, supply chain networks, electrical circuits, and electromechanical systems, just to name a few. But the scope is not limited only to these systems. Further, as an emerging field, the study of synchronization and its control in such classes of dynamical systems has so far not seen sufficiently strong connections between theory and the actual behavior of real systems. Therefore, there is a strong need for a consistent presentation of the related state-of-the-art and of major active research avenues over the broad area of nonlinear dynamics and synchronization.

For further information download the full call for book chapters.

Submission of book chapters: Please submit book chapter proposals to Kyandoghere Kyamakya in pdf format. For queries about book chapter issues, feel free to contact Kyandoghere Kyamakya.

Important Dates

3. Call for Papers: The International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, published by Atlantis Press

Special Issue on Computational Intelligence Issues in Systems Experiencing Nonlinear Dynamics and/or Synchronization

A fundamental issue in systems analysis and modeling is about the identification of the system’s dynamics including the external interactions that affect the system’s behavior. Such identification aims at specifying the set of functions (rules or equations) that captures the factors that control the change of the system’s behavior. Often, when dealing with complex nonlinear dynamical systems, the identification is obtained in many cases only by means of approximations. Hence, the relevance of Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques in the context of such systems becomes manifest. The application of such computing models is prompted by the optimization requirements that are raised amongst others by the identification process. In addition, over the last years the appropriateness of CI in optimization tasks pertaining to complex nonlinear dynamical systems has become indubitable as attested by a large number of studies reporting on the successful application of CI models especially in adaptive control applications, fault diagnostic, signal processing, chaos theory, medical diagnostic, etc. However, due to the complexity dimensions of nonlinear dynamical systems, there still exits a large spectrum of unsolved problems that go beyond the traditional intelligent control applications and where CI techniques can play a central role. That is the main purpose behind the present special issue. In fact, the aim of this special issue is to present the latest advances of the application of CI techniques not only in control applications but in various systems where nonlinear dynamics and/or synchronization are key issues of concern. The special issue is intended for a wide audience including mathematicians, physicists, chemists, engineers, computer scientists, biologists, economists and social scientists.

For further information download the full call for papers.

Submission of papers: Papers submitted must not have been published previously or under consideration for publication, though they may represent significant extensions of prior work. All papers will be reviewed in accordance with the journal policy. Papers must conform to the formatting guidelines as provided by Atlantis Press and sent to Abdelhamid Bouchachia in pdf format. For queries about this special issue, feel free to contact the special issue guest editors.

Important Dates

4. Call for Book Chapters

Recent Advances of Computational Intelligence in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization, published by Atlantis Press

Over the last years the appropriateness of computational intelligence (CI) techniques in modeling and optimization tasks pertaining to complex nonlinear dynamic systems has become indubitable as attested by a large number of studies reporting on the successful application of CI models in nonlinear science, e.g., adaptive control, signal processing, medical diagnostic, pattern formation, living systems, etc. This volume is devoted to summarize the state-of-the-art of CI in the context of nonlinear dynamic systems and synchronization. Aiming at fostering new breakthroughs, chapters may focus on theoretical, experimental, and computational aspects of the recent advances in nonlinear science intertwined with computational intelligence techniques. Moreover, chapters are expected to have a tutorial-oriented structure and should be self contained targeting large audience.

For further information download the full call for book chapters.

Submission of book chapters: Please submit book chapter proposals to Abdelhamid Bouchachia in pdf format. For queries about book chapter issues, feel free to contact Abdelhamid Bouchachia.

Important Dates